Connect to our SMS API in 3 simple steps.

SMS API Simple 1

Create a free account

To start the process of using our SMS API service, complete our registration form in a few short seconds to create an account, join today via the connect button.

SMS API Simple 2

Receive your credentials

Once you have decided on how to connect to our platform, Your unique username and password, or API-key will be generated and emailed to you.

SMS API Simple 3

Integrate our SMS API

Use these unique account details alongside the example code and multi-language documentation via our developer pages to connect SMS functionality to your software.

connect today

An extra layer of communication.

Integrating our technology into your application or software offers you a true communication extension; it works seamlessly with the technology you and your employees are already familiar with.

Designed to deal with high volumes of business texts, customers connected through our API can:

  • Send single and multiple SMSs
  • Personalise individual messages
  • Receive replies
  • Schedule future text campaigns
  • Receive text delivery status
  • Request balances
  • Add new contacts
  • View address book
  • Forward replies to email
  • Capture keyword and STOP replies
  • API legacy documentation

    Once armed with your username and password, head over to our api documentation page, and choose your preferred programming language from the drop down.

    api docs

  • API-key documentation

    If you’ve opted to integrate our SMS messaging services via an API-key , click the button below to view our sample code in multiple programming languages.

    api-key docs

  • 3-click switch migration

    Have a SMS API with someone else?
    Forget redevelopment, move over to Faretext by only having to change your credentials and end point details.
    No matter who you’re with, we convert your existing API code to match ours.

    switch today

    3-click switch image

Take the test.

Check the reliability and speed of our route for free. Simply insert your UK mobile number and click Go.

    The SMPP high-volume solution.

    Instead of connecting via our SMS API, customers have an alternative method to connect to Faretext, via our SMS SMPP service.
    Standing for Short Message Peer-to-Peer, this type of integration is used for broadcasting high-volumes of messages very
    quickly and directly to both, text aggregators and mobile network operators.

    Our server supports the industry-standard SMPP 3.4 and can process up to 600 messages per second.
    Simultaneously the system can also receive delivery receipts, ensuring real-time delivery results of your bulk
    text campaigns.

    To find out more about Faretext’s SMPP service, please get in touch, by filling in the form below or calling:
    01142 945 993.